MoCA Westport
19 Newtown Turnpike
January 16
February 20 (rescheduled)
March 12
April 9
Pequot Library
720 Pequot Avenue, Southport
January 17
February 14
March 13
April 10
Greenwich Arts Council
299 Greenwich Avenue
January 18
February 15
March 14
April 11
Welcome to Play With Your Food
Fairfield County’s most popular lunchtime Playreading series!
Between January and April join us one day per month in either
Westport, Fairfield or Greenwich for a new season of One-Act plays.
Doors open at 11:45 am for the 12 noon performance of three playreadings
followed by a talkback with the professional cast of
actors and director - plus a delicious boxed lunch catered by
popular local restaurants “to stay or go!”
All within the lunch hour (and a half!)
Tickets: $65 each (+ service fees)
Includes theater and a boxed lunch which you can stay and
enjoy in the art galleries or take “to go”!
(Note: each month performances repeat at all three venues)
Box Office (10 am - 4 pm):
Call 203-293-8729
Thank You for an Amazing Season!

Kate Katcher, Don Striano, Molly Garbe Brown,
Jeremy Funke and Alison Cimmet
Jackson Cook, Alexandra Pearl, Katie Sparer, Damian Long and John Flaherty

Elizabeth Grandon, Scott Bryce, Dawn Vanessa Brown, Brian J. Carter and Max Samuels
Jeff Gurner, Andrea Lynn Green, Marca Leigh, Susan Vanech and Michael Raver

Thank you!
Support has been provided to JIB Productions from CT Humanities (CTH) and CT Office of the Arts
with funding provided by the Connecticut State Department of Economic and Community Development/Connecticut Office of the Arts (COA) from the Connecticut State Legislature.

Tickets >
Please Note:
Online purchases may be charged with Mastercard and Visa only. American Express is not accepted.
All ticket purchases will include an additional processing charge of $3.95 per ticket.
For more information,
Call us at 203.293.8729
(Mon-Fri 10am-4pm).
Each month between January and April, arrive at noon and settle in for a program of clever, provocative and often hilarious one-act plays written by both award-winning and emerging playwrights and read by terrific professional actors, many of whom are known from theater, film and television.
After a short discussion with the actors, the director, and often a playwright or two, enjoy a delicious boxed lunch catered by one of our local gourmet restaurants. Then go back to work or continues on your day. It’s an opportunity for people to munch on lunch with friends, and then enjoy stimulating theater -
all in their own backyard!
And within the lunch hour (and a half!)

A taste of what Play With Your Food has offered:

Jim Naughton, Michael Raver, Alexandra Pearl, Jhulenty Delossantos & Mia Dillon

Mia Dillon - April, 2023

Matthew Van Gessel, Dawn Vanessa Brown, Andrea Lynn Green, Michael raver & Sean Hannon

Jim Naughton, Michael Raver, Alexandra Pearl, Jhulenty Delossantos & Mia Dillon
Take a look back at our amazing 2023 season!
How many of these plays did you see?
In light of the current pandemic, we thought we'd reach out with Theatrical Video Treats! We miss you all, and hope you enjoy.
Prologue to HENRY V
by William Shakespeare
Stephen Stout, Jill Eikenberry, Marca Leigh, James Naughton, Michael Tucker,
Andrea Lynn Green, Rob Mobley, Tom Zingarelli, Brian J. Carter, Jeremy Funke, Michael Raver & Susan Vanech
Paul Revere's Ride
by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
Scott Bryce, Stacie Lewis, Alexandra Bezan, Dustin Sullivan, Susan Jacobson, Clayton Wheat, Wynter Kullman, Jodi Stevens, Michael Boland, Matt Van Gessel, Andrea Lynn Green, Michael Raver, Kate Katcher, Joe Delafield, Joanna Keylock, Max Samuels, Kim Maresca, Zack Fine, Don Striano, Betzabeth Castro & Eileen Lawless